Selaus tekijän mukaan kokoelmassa 515 Psykologia
A Dyadic Time-Series Network Analysis of Quality and Quantity of Time Spent Together as a Couple and Relationship Quality
Tuukkanen, Tiia (2022)Previous research has found a positive correlation between high relationship quality and time spent with partner, but the previous studies have mostly relied on cross-sectional and retrospective research methods that do ... -
A Network Analysis of Male Sexual Function : Comparing Symptom Networks in Men with Varying Degree of Sexual Dysfunction During First Sexual Intercourse
Nylund, Johannes (Åbo Akademi, 2020)The aim of the present study was to examine associations between sexual difficulties during first experience of sexual intercourse and aggressive tendencies, psychological distress, current sexual difficulties, childhood ... -
A Qualitative Study of the Tweens Positive Psychology Family Intervention for Children with Depression- or Anxiety Related Symptomatology
Söderlund, Jennifer (2021)Positive psychology is the scientific study of human thoughts, feelings and behaviour that focuses on building the good instead of treating illness. Several intervention models have been formed with this aim, and this study ...Embargo 12/8/2022. -
A Single Subject Time Series Analysis of the Dynamic Interplay between Sleep and Physical Activity during Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia
Thors, Matilda (Åbo Akademi, 2020)The association between sleep and physical activity has on a group-level been well-documented but seems to vary between individuals. Research addressing the problems of group-to-individual generalizability and temporal ...Embargo 8/12/2022 -
Advantageous Inequity Aversion in 4–8-Year-Olds
Nylund, Irene (Åbo Akademi, 2020)Inequity aversion is the tendency to react negatively to, and avoid, inequity. This tendency develops considerably in ages 3 – 8. Generally, children react negatively to receiving less than others (disadvantageous inequity) ... -
Affiliate Stigma Experiences in Close Affiliates of Minor-Attracted Persons – A Scale Development and Validation Study
Salminen, Louise (2022)Affiliate stigma reduces well-being, self-esteem, and relationship quality as well as increases anxiety, stress, depression, and social isolation. Affiliate stigma in close affiliates of minor-attracted persons (MAPs) have ... -
Altruistic investment in children : variations depending on relationship type and certainty in relatedness
Söderlund, Johanna (Åbo Akademi, 2016)Enligt teorin om inkluderande fitness är individer mer benägna att investera i biologiska släktingar än i individer till vilka ett släktskap saknas. I den här studien undersöktes vuxnas villighet att investera i barn i ett ... -
Amyloid pathology as a predictor of cognitive decline in normal aging and chronic epilepsy : a five-year prospective study
Lahtinen, Onerva (2024)Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease and the leading cause of dementia. Accumulation of amyloid-beta protein plaques in the brain is one of the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s disease. This study ... -
Amyloid Status and Incidental Memory in Healthy Elderly : A Five-year Follow-up
Österback, Mia (2022)In early symptomatic Alzheimer's disease (AD), neuronal atrophy occurs on a macroscopic level and can be linked to cognitive decline and memory problems. Less is known about cognitive performance and memory at the pre-clinical ...Embargo 9.2.2023 asti -
An empirical test how jealousy and sociosexuality vary among heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual adults
Lindfors, Fanny (Åbo Akademi, 2019)Researchers have found a substantial sex difference in jealousy (men are more sexually jealous than women and women are more emotionally jealous than men) and sociosexuality (men have higher levels of interest in uncommitted ... -
An Exploratory Network Analysis of the Associations Between Symptoms of Psychopathology and Romantic Relationship Quality
Lagerström, Martin (2021)The purpose of this study was to explore the associations between symptoms of psychopathology and romantic relationship quality using a network approach. The hypothesis of the study was that symptoms of psychopathology ...Embargo 7/12/2023. -
Anxiety symptoms in depression : are they related to antidepressant treatment and its side-effects?
Lo, Sally (Åbo Akademi, 2020)Earlier studies suggest that depression with comorbid anxiety symptoms have worse treatment outcomes, but that anxiety symptoms could be alleviated with antidepressants (AD). Depressed patients with comorbid anxiety symptoms ... -
Are maternal anxiety/depression/insomnia symptoms and executive functioning related to perceived parenting stress at one year postpartum?
di Iorio, Ronny (2021)Parental stress can have severe repercussions on the mother’s and the child’s health, and on the everyday functioning of the family. Psychiatric symptoms of the mother, especially anxiety and depression, are well-known ... -
Are Romantic Competitors Worse than Competitors for Jobs? – A Test of the Intrasexual Competition Theory of Anti-immigration Tendencies
Fierro Smith, Matias (2022)As immigration increases globally, so are also anti-immigration tendencies in Europe and elsewhere. Anti-immigration tendencies pose threats both at a societal level and against individual immigrants. This study examined ... -
Are Subjective Cognitive and Mental Health Complaints Associated With Neurocognitive Functioning in Adults With Childhood-Onset Epilepsy?
Sigfrids, Fredrik (2023)Both neurocognitive functioning and a sense of mental health and cognitive well-being are topics of clinical relevance in individuals with childhood-onset epilepsy. Yet research regarding how subjective complaints of ... -
Assessing workplace equality : Survey validation and factors affecting perceived workplace discrimination
Heininen, Eerika (Åbo Akademi, 2019)Abstract: Introduction: Workplace discrimination and inequality persist in the labour market and the negative consequences for individuals and organizations are well known. However, less is known about measurement of these ... -
Associations Between Relationship Factors and the Frequency of and Perceived Consequences of Sexual Compliance
Forsén, William (2023)Sexual compliance, i.e., consensually engaging in sexual activity with a partner despite the lack (at least in the beginning) of sexual desire, is common in intimate relationships and associated with positive and negative ... -
Associations Between Sexual Activities, Dominance-Submission Preferences, and Perceived Consequences of Sexual Compliance
Vihro, Helmi (2023)Consenting to sex without feeling sexual desire (i.e., sexual compliance) is a common phenomenon in intimate relationships. Previous research suggests that people perceive both positive and negative consequences of sexual ... -
Assumptions Underlying Credibility Assessments in Asylum Processes : An Analysis of Evaluations in Finnish Asylum Cases
Sui, Veronica (Åbo Akademi, 2020)Asylum seekers rarely arrive in a receiving country with corroborating evidence to their claims. Thus, to determine asylum status, asylum officials often have to evaluate how truthful the applicant’s claim is rather than ... -
Begärets sätt att handskas med kärlekshandtag : kroppsmissnöje och stört ätande hos androfila och gynofila män och kvinnor
Holmgård, Linn (Åbo Akademi, 05.05.2015)Från ett evolutionspsykologiskt perspektiv fäster män och kvinnor uppmärksamheten vid olika sorters egenskaper när de bedömer attraktivitet hos en potentiell partner. Män och kvinnor är generellt sett också medvetna om ...