Åbo Akademi
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Uusimmat viitteet
Empowering Individuals with Mobility Limitations through Advanced Home Automation Technologies
(2024)This thesis explores the transformative potential of advanced home automation technologies in empowering individuals with mobility limitations. As populations age and the prevalence of mobility impairments increases, there ... -
”Det får ju inte bli konsert” : Om gudstjänstdeltagares upplevelser av körmusik i gudstjänsten
(2024)Den här studiens syfte är att undersöka hur gudstjänstdeltagarna ser på körmusikens plats och roll i gudstjänsten, och ifall den fyller en funktion. Studiens forskningsfråga är: Vad upplever gudstjänstdeltagarna att ... -
Perceived Consequences of Sexual Compliance : Associations with Sexual Motives, Sexual Communal Strength, and Self-Sacrifice
(2024)Sexual compliance, defined as engaging in a sexual activity despite a lack of initial desire, is common in intimate relationships. Previous research indicates that individuals can perceive both negative and positive ... -
Wood-Derived Functional Biomaterials towards 3D Bioprinting
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 20.09.2024)Bioprinting utilizes the advantages of 3D printing technologies to fabricate cell-laden structures with various biomaterials that mimic the structure and function of natural tissues and greatly promote the development in ... -
Steam-induced melt infiltration method for all oxide Co3O4 based solar cells.
(2024)Solar cells based on oxide materials are an attractive option for sustainable energy production offering a viable solution to climate-related issues. However, the success of all-oxide solar cells (AOSCs) is highly dependent ... -
Amyloid pathology as a predictor of cognitive decline in normal aging and chronic epilepsy : a five-year prospective study
(2024)Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease and the leading cause of dementia. Accumulation of amyloid-beta protein plaques in the brain is one of the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s disease. This study ... -
En fallstudie om ett barn med autismspektrumtillstånd som tillägnat sig ett främmande språk via mediekonsumtion
(2024)Tre befintliga fallstudier har beskrivit hur barn med autismspektrumtillstånd (AST) tillägnat sig ett främmande språk via mediekonsumtion. I två av dessa studier var barnets modersmål betydligt svagare än det främmande ... -
Tackling poor mental well-being among precarious migrant workers in Finland
Mobile Futures policy breaf : 2/2024 (Mobile Futures, 2024) -
”Om man bara sku få uppleva att nån märker att man mår dålit” : Unga idrottare, ätstörningar och erfarenheter av stöd
(2024)Ätstörningar är psykiska sjukdomar som förekommer bland både kvinnor och män i alla åldrar. Risken att insjukna i en ätstörning är ändå störst i ungdomen. En person som insjuknat i en ätstörning lever ofta i förnekelse ... -
Synthesis and Characterization of Hydromagnesite-templated and Lignin-derived Porous Carbon for Supercapacitor Electrode Application
(2024)The growing environmental concerns associated with climate change highlight the need for sustainable energy storage devices. Efforts are now being made to employ biomass as a precursor for carbon-based supercapacitors. In ... -
The emotional learning journey : Cognitive appraisals and information-seeking achievement emotions of Swedish primary teacher students
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 13.09.2024)The aim of this article-based thesis is to increase the understanding of the complex and dynamic interplay between cognitive behaviours and emotions in learning and information-seeking processes. This thesis specifically ... -
Bokstunden som institution i förskoleundervisningen : Förskollärares syn på lärande och iscensättning
(Åbo Akademi, 13.09.2024)Den här doktorsavhandlingen handlar om bokstunder i förskoleundervisningen, det vill säga om stunder där lärare eller annan personal högläser barnlitteratur och där det finns interaktion kring boken som avser att stödja ... -
Reclaiming the Figure of the Witch : How the Witch is Repurposed as a Symbol of Resistance and Stigmatized Female Experience in Sylvia Townsend Warner’s Lolly Willowes and Madeline Miller’s Circe
(2024)Many of us have grown up with stories about the witch. She has taken on many different forms in literature, from Homer’s Circe, the first witch in Western literature, to Hecate, Baba Yaga, the Weird sisters, the Wicked ... -
Grundskollärares erfarenheter av att undervisa särskilt begåvade elever
(2024)Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka grundskollärares, närmare bestämt klasslärares och ämneslärares, kännedom om särskilt begåvade elever samt hur de förhåller sig till dem och bemöter dem i skolan. Baserat på syftet ... -
Det svenska tillståndet : En analys av svenska riksdagspartiers framing av kriminalitet i valkampanjskommunikation
(2024)Kriminalitetsfrågan har vuxit sig stark bland de svenska medborgarna och utgör en betydande fråga på dagordningen. Inför riksdagsvalet 2022 var de tre stora svenska partierna Socialdemokraterna, Moderaterna och Sverigedemokraterna ... -
Direct ink writing of dense pastes containing macroparticles
(2024)Inorganic materials can include many different elements, can be manufactured in many ways and are mainly dependent on the feedstock and the intended application. The intended industrial application for this thesis has an ... -
Characterising the relationship between structural changes and ion channel function of TRPC4/TRPC5 through site directed mutagenesis studies
(2024)Pain is a vital and protective mechanism to avoid the cause of harmful stimuli. However, pain can become a disease which is not beneficial for the individual, this is called chronic pain. Chronic pain is a worldwide issue, ...Kokoteksti on luettavissa vain Kirjatornissa ja Academill-kirjastossa. -
Development and Validation of a Bump Detection Alarm System for Recreational Boats
(2024)Owners of recreational watercrafts may be concerned of the safety of their boats’ hull while it is moored in the harbour. Utilizing existing hardware in a multifunctional device (MFD), this thesis seeks to contribute to ...Kokoteksti on luettavissa vain Kirjatornissa ja Academill-kirjastossa. -
The role of public libraries in society : Understanding the social, democratic, and political aspects of Finnish public libraries through the attitudes of public library staff
(2024)This master’s thesis examines the democratic role of public libraries in Finnish society. Emphasis is placed on understanding the implications of new concepts, principles and ideas introduced in the revised Public Libraries ... -
From Play to Power : A Philosophical Inquiry into How Educational Wargaming Can Help Cultivate Battlefield Acumen
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 07.09.2024)This study explores the potential of educational wargaming in developing battlefield acumen, a skill set crucial for military success. Identifying a gap in the wargaming literature about the conceptualization of how ...