Selaus asiasanan mukaan kokoelmassa 515 Psykologia
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Finnish Adolescents’ Experiences of Police Interviews
(2021)Most research on child disclosure has focused on younger children and there is a gap in the knowledge regarding adolescents’ disclosure processes during forensic interviews. Children’s testimony is often the only evidence ... -
Föräldrastödets och den upplevda självförmågans inverkan på ungdomars skoltrivsel i Svenskfinland : En två veckor lång ESM-studie baserad på data från REBOOT-projektet
(2023)Bakgrund: Skoltrivseln är viktig för både individers utveckling och välbefinnande enligt Holzer m.fl. (2021). Vidare lyfter Virtanen m.fl. (2016) fram att det finns en stark koppling mellan skoltrivsel och engagemang. Dock ... -
Maltreatment, Internalizing symptoms and Their Association with School Attendance Problems in Finnish Youth
(2022)A small number of previous studies have found a connection between maltreatment and increased absence from school in children and adolescents, but this connection remains relatively unexplored. Evidence that mental health ...Embargo 24.3.2024 asti -
The relationship between screen time and life satisfaction among adolescents : A Finnish cross-sectional study
(Åbo Akademi, 2020)Earlier studies have shown mixed results regarding the effects of screen time on mental well-being among adolescents. The first aim of this study was to investigate if life satisfaction and screen time among Finnish ...