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"The AI Battlefield : Legal Challenges of Autonomous Weapon Systems under International Humanitarian Law"
(2024)The rapid development and deployment of Autonomous Weapon Systems pose pivotal legal challenges within the framework of International Humanitarian Law. This thesis explores how the basic principles of IHL, distinction, and ... -
Legitimately Left Behind? : The Power of ICESCR Obligations to Challenge State Responses in Economic Crises which Deepen Economic lnequality
(2024)The cost-of-living crisis, a combination of disruptions in the global economy which has its roots in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine at the beginning of 2022 and the COVID-19 pandemic, has increased the prices of everyday ... -
The LGBTQ+ Lost in Shades of Grey in IHL and IHRL : A Need for Special Protection?
(2024)Hors de combat and civilian LGBTQ+ persons experience distinct situational vulnerability in armed conflicts. LGBTQ+ persons are targets of violence and discrimination in armed conflicts due to their actual or perceived ... -
The Permissibility of Restriction of Access to Social Media Platforms : A Study of States’ Regulatory Control over Social Media Platforms in Africa
(2024)Freedom of expression is a fundamental right in democratic societies. The advent of social media platforms has catalysed a profound shift in the communication landscape. These platforms serve as unregulated tools for ... -
In pursuit of continuity : a study on automatic succession to human rights treaties and its development to customary international law
(2024)State succession, that is, the replacement of one State by another in the responsibility for the international relations of territory, occurs during highly politically sensitive contexts making the protection of the human ... -
Judicial interpretations of different courts and treaty bodies on using the last resort principle within the context of unaccompanied and separated child immigration detention.
(2024)Some international human rights conventional provisions, such as Article 37(b) of the Children’s Convention, have given space to use the last resort principle within the context of child immigration detention. However, the ... -
Balancing the Best Interests of the Child with States' Interests in Protecting the Democratic Society : - An Analysis of the Balancing Act in Cases of Expulsion
(2024)The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has extensive jurisprudence involving expulsion cases. These cases are examined under Article 8 of the ECHR, which protects the right to respect for private and family life. These ... -
Medical Interventions on Intersex Children in the Context of International Human Rights Law : In the Best Interests of the Child or Treatment Contrary to the Prohibition of ill-treatment?
(2024)This study focuses on the concept of best interests of the child, which is included in Article 3(1) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the prohibition of ill-treatment, Article 3 of the European Convention ... -
Positive Obligations of the State Towards Irregular Migrants : The Case of Rejected Asylum Seekers in Iceland
(2024)In the summer of 2023, Iceland amended its Foreigners Act in a way which denied rejected asylum seekers the social benefits previously available to them as asylum seekers. Doing so put into question whether Iceland was ... -
The Coherence Between Absolute Rights and Relative Assessments – A Structural Reading of Article 3 ECHR
(2024)Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights is commonly accepted as absolute. It has even been described as the most absolute right of the Convention. Despite the recognition of absolute rights, the concept of ... -
Algorithmic content moderation and International Criminal Law : Liability assessment of social media platform operators using AI systems-based content moderation under International Criminal Law
(2024)The growing advancement in AI systems and automated decision-making are impacting our daily lives positively and negatively. This thesis uses the example of social media platforms using AI-based content moderation processes ... -
From satellites to battlegrounds : Use of outer space for peaceful purposes, the use of force and the right to self-defence in the modern space landscape
(2024)The Outer Space Treaty primarily focus on the use of outer space for ‘peaceful purposes’. The term ‘peaceful purposes’ can be interpreted in different ways, but as a minimum prohibits the placement of weapons of mass ... -
Claiming the Right to Life in the Context of Climate Change – Special Attention on Children
(2024)Climate change is one of the most comprehensive threats of the present that affects the enjoyment of individuals’ human rights. Especially children are vulnerable to climate change effects due to the stage of their physical ... -
Om tryggandet av repressivt rättsskydd vid automatiserat beslutsfattande och automatisering vid myndighetsverksamhet i ljuset av finsk rätt och EU-rätt
(2024)I Finland avgörs årligen miljontals ärenden om personers förmåner, rättigheter och skyldigheter på automatiserad väg inom den offentliga förvaltningen. Trots att automatiserat beslutsfattande redan länge använts av ... -
The right to health for women under article 12 of the ICESCR in climate change-induced displacement in South Asia
(2024)The thesis examines the protection of health-related rights of internally displaced women due to climate change in South Asia within the framework of article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural ... -
The Application of Obligations Erga Omnes (Partes) in the Protection of Stateless Persons from the Crime of Genocide - A Study of The Gambia v. Myanmar Case
(2024)This thesis outlines the positive obligations of states under international law to actively promote the well-being and rights of individuals and communities, including their duty to prevent human rights violations, such ... -
Obligatoriska klausuler i avtalet mellan välfärdsområdet och den privata tjänsteproducenten – med särskilt fokus på individspecifika avtal inom barnskyddet
(2024)Från och med 1.1.2023 har välfärdsområden inrättats som en ny förvaltningsnivå inom den offentliga förvaltningen. Föreliggande avhandling undersöker vilka obligatoriska villkor som ska vara med i avtalet mellan välfärdsområdet ... -
International environmental displacement : could soft law fill the legal protection void?
(2024)Since records began, 174 years ago, 2023 registered the warmest temperatures, inaugurating what the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), António Guterres, has called “the era of global boiling”. The UN estimates ... -
Staters möjlighet att begränsa ansökning om asyl vid sina gränser, med hänvisning till den nationella säkerheten
(2024)Avhandlingen granskar hurdana möjligheter stater har att begränsa ansökningar om asyl vid sina gränser, med hänvisning till den nationella säkerheten. Avhandlingens bakgrund är den diskussion som förts kring instrumentaliserad ... -
Are Individuals in an Armed Conflict Developing into Zeroes and Ones? : A Study of Autonomous Weapon Systems and International Humanitarian Law
(2024)The utility of autonomous weapon systems (AWS) is arguably greater at completing tasks than combatants. With regard to lethal attacks by an AWS it would be necessary that their assignments are accompanied by legal structures ...