Selaus tekijän mukaan kokoelmassa ELY-keskus

    • When horses challenge tractors : A showcase of local events in European Cooperation Day 2012, 2013 and 2014 

      Alvarez, Gabriel (publ. coordinator); Baetti, Maria (ed. team); Belenguer, Laura (ed. team); Bongers, Sarie (ed. team); Lazic, Ivana (ed. team); Godard, Sylvie (ed. team); Moselt, Mikis (ed. team); Terrien, Guillaume (ed. team); Walsh, Aisling (ed. team)
      Erillisjulkaisut (2005)
      European Cooperation Day is a communication campaign aiming to promote territorial cooperation in Europe to the general public through the organisation of local events. The purpose of this publication is to present some ...