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Epitome descriptionis Sueciae, Gothiae, Fenningiae, et subjectarum provinciarum. Accuratiùs quàm unquam antehâc editae
(Aboae : apud Petrum Wald, Acad. typog., 1650, 1650)A geographical and historical description of the Kingdom of Sweden.Available on the Internet -
Joannis Schefferi Argentoratensis Lapponia, Id est, Regionis Lapponum et gentis nova et verissima descriptio. In qua multa de origine, superstitione, sacris magicis, victu, cultu, negotiis Lapponum, item animalium, metallorumque indole quae in terris eorum proveniunt, hactenus incognita. Produntur, [et] eiconibus adjectis cum cura illustrantur
(Francofurti : ex officina Christiani Wolffii typis Joannis Andreae, 1673, 1673)A comprehensive description of Lapland written by Johannes Schefferus, Skyttean professor of Eloquence and Government at Uppsala University and one of the most important humanists in Sweden at that time. The work was ...Available on the Internet -
The history of Lapland : wherein are shewed the original manners, habits, marriages, conjurations, &c. of that people : written by John Scheffer, professor of law and rhetoric at Upsal in Sweden.
(At the Theater in Oxford : and are to be sold by George West and Amos Curtein, 1674, 1674)A comprehensive description of Lapland written by Johannes Schefferus, Skyttean professor of Eloquence and Government at Uppsala University and one of the most important humanists in Sweden at that time. The work was ...Available on the Internet -
Joannis Schefferi von Strassburg Lappland, das ist: Neue und wahrhafftige Beschreibung von Lappland und dessen Einwohnern, worin viel bisshero unbekante Sachen von der Lappen Ankunfft, Aberglauben, Zauberkünsten, Nahrung, Kleidern, Geschäfften, wie auch von den Thieren und Metallen so es in ihrem Lande giebet, erzählet, und mit unterschiedlichen Figuren fürgestellet worden
(Franckfurt am Mäyn und Leipzig : In Verlegung Martin Hallervorden, Buchhändlern zu Köningsberg in Preussen. Gedruckt bey Johann Andreä, im Jahr 1675, 1675)A comprehensive description of Lapland written by Johannes Schefferus, Skyttean professor of Eloquence and Government at Uppsala University and one of the most important humanists in Sweden at that time. The work was ...Available on the Internet -
Histoire de la Laponie, : sa description, lʼorigine, les moeurs, la maniere de vivre de ses habitans, leur religion, leur magie, & les choses rares du païs. Avec plusieurs additions [et] augmentations fort curieuses, qui jusques-icy nʼont pas esté imprimées. Traduites du latin de Monsieur Scheffer. Par L[e] P[ère] A[ugustin] L[ubin] geographe ordinaire de Sa Majesté
(A Paris : chez la veuve Olivier de Varennes, au Palais, dans la Salle royale, au Vase dʼor, 1678, 1678)A comprehensive description of Lapland written by Johannes Schefferus, Skyttean professor of Eloquence and Government at Uppsala University and one of the most important humanists in Sweden at that time. The work was ...Available on the Internet -
Discursus chorographicus de terris Hyperboreis seu polo arctico vicinis, quem, ex C. Julii Solini polyhist. cap. XXI, verbis: Fabula erat de Hyperboreis ... sub moderamine ... Caroli Lithman, ... nec non venerandi consistorij approbatione, in florente Gymnasio Stregnesiano, die 26. Maij anni 1680, aequo bonorum examini ventilandum obtulit Jonas Grimsteen, respondente Andrea Bolino
(Stregnesij, 1680, 1680)A description of the regions around the North Pole.Available on the Internet -
Waarachtige en aen-merkens-waardige historie van Lapland: ofte een Beschrijving van desselfs oorspronk, landschappen, geberchten, gewassen, gedierten, metalen, steenen, wateren, en voornaemste geschiedenissen. Benessens der inwoonderen zeden, regeering, godtsdiensten, oorlogen, drachten, koophandel, gebouwen, van tenten, schepen, sleden, &c. Als ook van hare tover-trommelen, en wind-koopery. Met noch een kort bericht van den toestand der Finnen. Nieuwelijks uit het frans van den Heer Scheffer vertaalt. Met kurieuse kopere Plaaten
(tʼAmsterdam : by Jan ten Hoorn, boekverkooper, overʼt Oude Heeren Logement, 1682, 1682)A comprehensive description of Lapland written by Johannes Schefferus, Skyttean professor of Eloquence and Government at Uppsala University and one of the most important humanists in Sweden at that time. The work was ...Available on the Internet -
The history of Lapland : containing a geographical description, and a natural history of that country; with an account of the inhabitants, their original, religion, customs, habits, marriages, conjurations, employments, &c. Written by John Scheffer, ... Translated from the last edition in Latin, and illustrated with many curious copper-cutts. To which are added, the travels of the King of Sweden's mathematicians into Lapland: the history of Livonia, and the wars there: also a journey into Lapland, Finland, &c. Written by Dr. Olof Rudbeck in the year 1701
(London : printed for Tho. Newborough, at the Golden-Ball in St. Paulʼs-Church-Yard: and R. Parker under the Royal-Exchange, 1704, 1704)A comprehensive description of Lapland written by Johannes Schefferus, Skyttean professor of Eloquence and Government at Uppsala University and one of the most important humanists in Sweden at that time. The work was ...Available on the Internet -
Reise-Beschreibung von Lappland und Bothnien : worinnen nicht nur von der Landes-Art, Winter und Sommer, Nord-Licht oder Nord-Schein, Mineralien, Gewächsen, Thieren, wie auch der Einwohner Beschaffenheit, Religion, Gouvernement, Kauffmannschafft, Wohnungen, Jagden, und andern denckwürdigen Dingen, aus selbsteigenen Augenschein und Erfahrung durch einige Figuren gezeiget; sondern auch die dahin und wieder von dar zurück genommene Reise ordentlich dargeleget wird : von Johann Gerhard Schellern, h.t. Pastore zu Hermstedt und Stober.
(Jena : verlegts Heinrich Christoph Cröker, Buchhändler, 1727, 1727)A description of a travel to Lapland and the province of Västerbotten.Available on the Internet -
Dissertatio gradvalis de vrbe Torna, eique adjacentibvs paroeciis, : qvam ... sub praesidio ... Erici Alstrin ... placidae bonorum sistit disquisitioni Ericvs Brvnnivs, Er. fil. westro-botniensis. In audit. Gustav. majori ad diem 12. Junii anni MDCCXXXI. Horis ante meridiem solitis.
(Vpsaliae : literis Wernerianis, 1731, 1731)A description of the town of Tornio and its surrounding areas in northern Finland.Available on the Internet -
Dissertatio historica de vrbe Vloa, : cujus partem priorem, adprobante amplissima facultate philosophicae in regia ad Auram universitate, praeside ... Algotho A. Scarin, ... Publicae censurae, qua par est modestia, sistit Johannes Joh. Snellmann, scholae triv. Vloënsis collega superior. In auditorio superiori & maximo, ad diem XXVI. Martii, anni repar. salutis MDCCXXXVII. Horis ante meridiem solitis.
(Aboae : per Joh. Kiaempe, Reg. Acad. Typogr., 1737, 1737)A description of the town of Oulu, Finland.Available on the Internet -
Dissertatio gradualis, de vrbe Vloa, : cujus partem posteriorem, ex indultu amplissimi senatus philosophici in regio [et] illustri, ad Auram, Athenaeo, praeside Henrico Hassel, ... In publico eruditorum consessu, bonis placidè examinandam modestè exhibet Johannes Joh. Snellmann, ... In auditorio maximo, ad diem XXII. Octobris, anno reparatae salutis MDCCXXXVII. Horis, ante meridiem, consuetis.
(Aboae : per Joh. Kiaempe, Reg. Acad. Typogr., 1737, 1737)A description of the town of Oulu, Finland.Available on the Internet -
La figure de la terre, determinée par les observations de Messieurs de Maupertuis, Clairaut, Camus, Le Monnier, de lʼAcadémie Royale des Sciences, & de M. lʼAbbé Outhier, Correspondant de la même Académie, Accompagnés de M. Celsius, Professeur dʼAstronomie à Upsal, faites par ordre du roy au cercle polaire : par M. de Maupertuis.
(A Paris : de lʼImprimerie royale, 1738, 1738)Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, French mathematician and astronomer. Maupertuis headed (1736-1737) the scientific expedition to Lapland with the objective to confirm Newtonʼs theory of the flattening of the earth at the poles.Available on the Internet -
Jordens figur, upfunnen af herrar de Maupertuis, Clairaut, Camus, Le Monnier, ledamöter af Kongl. Vetenskaps Academien i Paris, och herr abbotn Outhier, correspondent af samma Academia, samt af h. Celsius, Kongl. astron. professor i Upsala, igenom de, på konungens i Frankrike befalning, vid norra pol-cirkelen, giorda observationer : utgifvit af herr de Maupertuis. Öfversat af fransyskan [af Anders Hellant].
(Stockholm : tryckt med Joh. Laur. Horrns ... bekostnad, 1738, 1738)Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, French mathematician and astronomer. Maupertuis headed (1736-1737) the scientific expedition to Lapland with the objective to confirm Newtonʼs theory of the flattening of the earth at the poles.Available on the Internet -
La figure de la terre, determinée par les observations de Messieurs de Maupertuis, Clairaut, Camus, Le Monnier, de lʼAcadémie Royale des Sciences, & de M. lʼAbbé Outhier, Correspondant de la même Académie, Accompagnés de M. Celsius, Professeur dʼAstronomie à Upsal: faites par ordre du roi au cercle polaire : par M. de Maupertuis.
(A Amsterdam : chez Jean Catuffe, 1738, 1738)Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, French mathematician and astronomer. Maupertuis headed (1736-1737) the scientific expedition to Lapland with the objective to confirm Newtonʼs theory of the flattening of the earth at the poles.Available on the Internet -
The figure of the earth, determined from observations made by order of the French King, at the polar circle: by Messrs de Maupertuis, Camus, Clairaut, Le Monnier, members of the Royal Academy of Sciences, the abbé Outhier, correspondent of the Academy, and Mr. Celsius, professor of astronomy at Upsal : translated from the French of M. de Maupertuis.
(London : T. Cox ..., 1738, 1738)Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, French mathematician and astronomer. Maupertuis headed (1736-1737) the scientific expedition to Lapland with the objective to confirm Newtonʼs theory of the flattening of the earth at the poles.Available on the Internet -
Specimen historicum, de Alandia, Maris Baltici insula, cujus partem priorem, consensu ampliss. facultatis philosoph. in Reg. Acad. Upsal. praeside ... mag. Elia Frondin, ... Publico examini submittit alumnus regius, Christophorus Tärnström, Uplandus, ... In auditor. Gustav. maj. ad diem I. Dec. MDCCXXXIX. Horis ante meridiem solitis
(Upsaliae impressum : [s.n.], 1739, 1739)A description of Åland, Finland.Available on the Internet -
Inledning til geographien öfver Swerige : upstäld af Eric Tuneld.
(Stockholm : trÿckt hos P. I. Nÿström, 1741. och fines hos honom til kiöps, 1741, 1741)A geographical description of Sweden.Available on the Internet -
Arwid Ehrenmalms Resa igenom Wäster-Norrland til Åsehle lappmark, anstäld uti julii månad 1741. Med en geographisk charta aftagen wid samma tilfälle
(Stockholm : uti thet kongl. boktryckeriet, hos directeuren Pet. Momma, 1743, 1743)Arwid Ehrenmalm's travel through Västernorrland to Åsele in northern Sweden, June 1741.Available on the Internet -
Journal dʼun voyage au Nord, en 1736 & 1737 : par M. Outhier, prêtre du diocèse de Besançon, correspondant de lʼAcadémie Royale des Sciences.
(A Paris : chez Piget, ... Durand, ... MDCCXLIV, 1744, 1744)The travel account of Réginald Outhier of the scientific expedition (1736-1737) to Lapland. The expedition was led by Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis.Available on the Internet