Viimeksi syötetyt 515 Psykologia
Viitteet 1-20 / 263
Climate Change and the Farmers-Herders Conflict : Impact on Environmental Governance, Growth and Sustainable Development In Plateau State in Nigeria
(2024)Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of climate change on the farmer-herder’s conflict in Plateau State in Nigeria. Environmental governance, growth, and sustainable development were also studied. Method: ... -
Perceived Consequences of Sexual Compliance : Associations with Sexual Motives, Sexual Communal Strength, and Self-Sacrifice
(2024)Sexual compliance, defined as engaging in a sexual activity despite a lack of initial desire, is common in intimate relationships. Previous research indicates that individuals can perceive both negative and positive ... -
Amyloid pathology as a predictor of cognitive decline in normal aging and chronic epilepsy : a five-year prospective study
(2024)Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disease and the leading cause of dementia. Accumulation of amyloid-beta protein plaques in the brain is one of the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s disease. This study ... -
Does Sexual Communication Moderate the Association Between Jealousy and Relationship Quality? : An Examination of Relationship Quality, Sexual Communication, Jealousy, and Their Correlates
(2024)Parrelationer av hög kvalitet är viktiga för vårt välbefinnande och vår psykiska hälsa. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka parförhållandekvalitet, sexuell kommunikation, svartsjuka, och korrelaten kön, ålder och ... -
Samband mellan utsatthet för sexuella trakasserier och utsatthet för andra former av aggression
(2024)Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka om det finns samband mellan utsatthet för sexuella trakasserier och utsatthet för andra former av aggression. Metod: Ett frågeformulär fylldes i av 192 kvinnlig finskspråkiga studerande ... -
Sexual Compliance in Committed Relationships in a Finnish Population-Based Sample : Attachment Style and Perceived Consequences
(2024)Sexual compliance, defined as consenting to undesired sexual activity, is a prevalent phenomenon within intimate relationships. Research indicates that sexual compliance is associated with both positive and negative perceived ... -
Reasons for and Consequences of Late Disclosure of Sexual Orientation in the Finnish Asylum Application Process
(2024)Disclosure of sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI) in the asylum application process can be delayed for several reasons. Late disclosure of SOGI is often viewed as decreasing credibility, possibly affecting the ... -
Det förebyggande arbetet för att unga inte ska falla offer för grooming i sociala medier : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med hälsokunskapslärare om hur grooming tas upp i finlandssvenska åk 7–9
(2024)Syfte: Magisteravhandlingens syfte är att undersöka hur i synnerhet hälsokunskapsundervisningen men även skolkontexten i allmänhet kan öka ungas medvetenhet och kunskap gällande grooming som sker via sociala medier. Detta ... -
Does social hypervigilance mediate the association between loneliness and interpersonal trust?
(2024)Loneliness is a ubiquitous and growing problem. Loneliness can be defined as a mismatch between one’s desired and actual social relationships. From an evolutionary perspective, can loneliness be seen as a signal to form ... -
Sociosexual Attitudes and Behaviour: A Population-Based Analysis Across Sex and Sexual Orientation in Finland
(2024)Understanding sociosexuality, the willingness to engage in uncommitted sexual relationships, provides valuable insights into human relationship dynamics. This study investigates sociosexual attitudes and behaviour across ... -
The Role of Healthcare Professionals’ Negative Emotions in Encounters with Vaccine-Hesitant Patients
(2024)Although vaccines have been found to be safe and beneficial for global public health, some individuals are hesitant towards vaccines. Previous research has shown that healthcare professionals [HCPs] have important roles ... -
Socialt stöd och dess påverkan på ungas känslor : En kvantitativ studie om vilken påverkan stöd av föräldrar, lärare och kamrater har på positiva och negativa känslor hos unga
(2024)Syftet med den här avhandlingen är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan socialt stöd och ungas positiva och negativa känslor. I studien undersöks både socialt stöd som helhet men lärarstöd, kamratstöd och föräldrastöd ... -
Like Spilling Coffee or Tying a Shoe? : The Perception of Sexual Compliance in a Population-Based Sample
(2024)Sexual compliance, that is, consensually engaging in sexual activity with a partner despite the lack (at least in the beginning) of sexual desire, is common in committed relationships and is associated with both positive ... -
Frequency of Cognitive Condition Job Demands and Their Association with Teachers’ Appraisal of Learning and Idea Generation
(2024)Teacher learning is important for the quality of education. Technological and societal changes accentuate the necessity of teachers’ innovative behavior, such as idea generation. However, teacher stress and changes in the ... -
The Effects of Expressed Emotions in a Negotiation Setting
(2024)Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the function of positive, neutral, and negative expressed emotions within a negotiation setting. The second aim of the study was to analyze what results from expressing positive, ... -
The Association Between Beliefs in Heterosexual Norms and Perceived Consequences of Sexual Compliance
(2024)Sexual compliance is a common occurrence that means consenting to partnered sexual activity despite a lack of sexual desire at that given moment. Sexual compliance has been associated with both perceived positive and ... -
Early Adolescents’ Perfectionism Profiles and Connections to Achievement Goal Orientations : Testing the 2 x 2 Model of Dispositional Perfectionism
(2024)Introduction: Perfectionism is considered a narrow personality trait, which is in research often divided into perfectionistic strivings (i.e., a strive for perfection, unrealistic high personal standards; typically related ... -
Papporna i rummet : Finlandssvenska mäns upplevelser av faderskap, Folkhälsans papparum och sin personliga utveckling
(2024)(Inledning) Faderskapet medför livsomvälvande förändringar och det kan ses inverka på många mäns personliga utveckling i en stor omfattning. Många män går igenom känslomässiga utmaningar i övergången till föräldraskapet, ... -
Why Do Finnish Children Abscond from Out-of-Home Care?
(2024)Absconding is a widespread issue in out-of-home care causing significant risk for the children who abscond, such as being sexually exploited or participating in other harmful behaviours like using illegal substances (Courtney ... -
Självkänsla, ensamhet och romantiska relationer : En enkätstudie bland unga vuxna
(2024)Ensamhet är ett växande problem såväl på global som på finländsk nivå, särskilt bland unga vuxna. Samtidigt verkar det finnas ett påvisat samband mellan självkänsla och ensamhet samt en koppling mellan relationsstatus, ...