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Viitteet 211-230 / 262
Ta familjevåldet till tals : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur skolkuratorer tar våld till tals med elever
(2022)Syfte: Syftet med den här undersökningen är att se hur skolkuratorer i praktiken går till väga för att ta våldet till tals. Frågeställningarna lyder: 1. Hur gör skolkuratorer för att ta våld till tals med eleverna? 2. ... -
“Tell me about your reasons for seeking for asylum” : An Analysis of Questions used in Finnish Asylum Interviews
(Åbo Akademi, 2019)Interviews with asylum seekers are often the most important part of investigating the applicant’s need of international protection. Few studies have examined if the questions used in interviews allow detailed and accurate ... -
The Association between BDSM and Childhood Trauma
(2023)Introduction: BDSM has long been pathologized and stigmatized in society, which can be harmful to practitioner’s self-image and feeling of self. Practising BDSM, also known as Bondage & Discipline (BD), Dominance and ... -
The Association Between Beliefs in Heterosexual Norms and Perceived Consequences of Sexual Compliance
(2024)Sexual compliance is a common occurrence that means consenting to partnered sexual activity despite a lack of sexual desire at that given moment. Sexual compliance has been associated with both perceived positive and ... -
The Association Between Perceived Mate Value Discrepancy and Intrasexual Competitiveness in Heterosexual Individuals
(2021)Earlier studies have indicated that mate value discrepancy influences relationship satisfaction, jealousy, and controlling behaviors in relationships. However, the association between mate value discrepancy and intrasexual ... -
The Associations Between Pathogen Disgust Sensitivity, Meat Preference, Plant Preference, and a Lifetime Prevalence of Anorexia Nervosa in a Finnish Population
(2021)Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is a potentially debilitating mental illness with expensive treatment costs and oftentimes poor outcomes. Previous studies have found that having AN is associated with a vegetarian diet and that anxiety ...Embargo 25.8.2022 -
The associations between the Big Five Personality Domains and Depression Severity
(Åbo Akademi, 2020)Personality may play an important role in depressive disorders. The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations between the Big Five personality domains as outlined by the Five Factor Model and depression ... -
The Effect of Intra-Sexual Competition on Anti-Immigrant Attitudes
(Åbo Akademi, 2018) -
The Effects of a Live Versus an Automated Interviewer on the Emotional Engagement of Interviewees and Their Perceived Empathy of the Interviewer
(Åbo Akademi, 2019)Embargo until 2020-12-3 -
The Effects of Biological and Psychosocial Explanations for Depression on Prognostic Pessimism and Preferred Treatment
(2021)Prognostic pessimism is the belief that mental health problems are untreatable and relatively permanent. Earlier studies suggest that biological explanations for depression, compared to psychosocial explanations, increase ...Embargo 7/12/2022. -
The Effects of Expressed Emotions in a Negotiation Setting
(2024)Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the function of positive, neutral, and negative expressed emotions within a negotiation setting. The second aim of the study was to analyze what results from expressing positive, ... -
The Influence of Intercultural Competence on Private Self-awareness and Well-being of Syrians Who Reside in Germany
(Åbo Akademi, 2019)Objective: To assess the level of intercultural competence of Syrians who reside in Germany in order to shed light on patterns and behaviours that are practiced by them in a different culture; and, to compare intercultural ... -
The Refugee Crisis and Structural Violence : The Case of Lesvos
(Åbo Akademi, 2019)Objective: The so called ‘refugee crisis’ of 2015 has led many to pause and take a step back at what the timeline of migration has been in history. It is almost inevitable not to pay attention to what have been the causes ... -
The relationship between maternal executive functions and mother-child interaction
(Åbo Akademi, 2019) -
The relationship between screen time and life satisfaction among adolescents : A Finnish cross-sectional study
(Åbo Akademi, 2020)Earlier studies have shown mixed results regarding the effects of screen time on mental well-being among adolescents. The first aim of this study was to investigate if life satisfaction and screen time among Finnish ... -
The Role of Healthcare Professionals’ Negative Emotions in Encounters with Vaccine-Hesitant Patients
(2024)Although vaccines have been found to be safe and beneficial for global public health, some individuals are hesitant towards vaccines. Previous research has shown that healthcare professionals [HCPs] have important roles ... -
The Senkaku Islands dispute : Is peace as a final dispute resolution the best outcome or does Japan benefit more from an enduring territorial dispute?
(Åbo Akademi, 2017)The thesis analyses the territorial dispute between China and Japan regarding the Senkaku Islands, looked mainly from the Japanese perspective. It is a qualitative study based on Johan Galtung's peace theory, game theory ... -
The sexuality of prisoners in a Finnish prison - a survey and comparison with a population-based data
(2021)The sexuality of prisoners is one of the least understood phenomena of the criminal justice system and research is needed in order to improve the sexual health of prisoners and minimize the risk of sexual coercion in ...Embargo until/t.o.m./ 4.6.2022 asti -
The structural relations between trait reactance, trust in physicians, vaccine attitudes, and vaccine hesitancy
(Åbo Akademi, 2020)Vaccine hesitancy has consistently been associated with negative attitudes to vaccines and with distrust in healthcare personnel. Moreover, negative vaccine attitudes have been associated with distrust in healthcare personnel ...Embargo until 2021-04-17 -
Tidigare klienters upplevelser om ätstörningsvården i Finland
(2024)Syfte: Avhandlingens syfte är att undersöka hur tidigare klienter som vårdats för ätstörning upplevt ätstörningsvården i Finland. Därutöver identifieras olika behandlingsmetoder som klienterna erfarit samt styrkor och ...