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Early Adolescents’ Perfectionism Profiles and Connections to Achievement Goal Orientations : Testing the 2 x 2 Model of Dispositional Perfectionism
(2024)Introduction: Perfectionism is considered a narrow personality trait, which is in research often divided into perfectionistic strivings (i.e., a strive for perfection, unrealistic high personal standards; typically related ... -
The effect of using checklists on forensic child sexual abuse evaluations
(Åbo Akademi, 2016)Research suggests that forensic child sexual abuse evaluations are not following evidence-based practice guidelines. In the present study we examined the potential benefits of using a checklist in these evaluations. We ... -
Effects of the Evidence Framing Matrix - Technique Training in Simulated Interrogations With Avatars : A Pilot Study
(2020)Deception detection is literally a matter of life and death in many scenarios in intelligence gathering and criminal investigations. While scientific knowledge on techniques to differentiate between truthful accounts and ... -
Effekten av situationsbundna faktorer i sexuellt utnyttjande av barn på depression : en metaanalys
(Åbo Akademi, 19.02.2015)Sexuellt utnyttjande av barn (SUB) har påvisats resultera i en mängd negativa utfall, så som depression. Eftersom inte alla som upplevt SUB utvecklar depression har man föreslagit att situationsbundna faktorer, så som ... -
Ekonomiskt utsatta ungdomar : Sambandet mellan familjers socioekonomiska status och ungdomars psykosomatiska besvär och självupplevda kompetens.
(Åbo Akademi, 2019)Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur familjers socioekonomiska status (SES) påverkar ungdomars psykiska och fysiska välbefinnande (i form av psykosomatiska symptom) och självupplevda kompetens (i form av ... -
En kvantitativ undersökning om akademisk självuppfattning och skolstress bland österbottniska elever
(2023)Syfte: Studiens primära syfte är att undersöka sambandet mellan akademisk självuppfattning och skolstress bland elever i Österbotten i Finland. Avhandlingen tar även fasta på hur sambandet påverkas av variablerna emotionell ... -
Ensamma ungdomar : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan ensamhet och självupplevd social kompetens hos ungdomar i Österbotten
(Åbo Akademi, 2020)Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka samband mellan olika dimensioner av ensamhet och självupplevd social kompetens (SSK) hos ungdomar, samt undersöka könsskillnader mellan dessa. Metod: Undersökningen för ... -
Ethnic and Gender Discrimination in the Private Rental Housing Market in Finland: A Field Experiment
(Åbo Akademi, 2017)Ethnic and gender discrimination in a variety of housing markets is documented in several populations. We conducted an online field experiment to examine ethnic and gender discrimination in the private rental housing market ... -
Executive outcome in pediatric mild TBI as measured by parent rating of daily functioning
(Åbo Akademi, 2020)The existing literature on neurobehavioral outcomes after a pediatric mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is conflicting, despite of its common occurrence. The present study examined parent-rated executive functioning (EF) ... -
An Experimental Study of the Effects of Relatedness on Reactions to Unfairness in Preschool Children
(Åbo Akademi, 2018)Children rely on care provided by their parents to survive and develop, while parents often take care of the needs of multiple children simultaneously. Children are expected to compete for parental care with their siblings ...Embargo 8.11.2019 asti -
Exploring the Potential of Civilian-based Defence in the Context of Switzerland
(2024)Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the potential of civilian-based defence in the context of Switzerland. Method: A mix of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods were used for the study. An ... -
Factors Related to Rape Victims’ Decision to File Police Reports
(2021)Victims of rape must decide whether to file a police report, and research shows that many victims do not report the rape to the police. The literature on the associations between demographic and individual factors and ...Embargo 10.9.2022. -
Factors related to the likelihood of psychologists using exposure interventions in the treatment of anxiety disorders
(Åbo Akademi, 2019)Previous literature indicates that exposure interventions, which have been shown to be effective in treating anxiety disorders, remain underused among clinical psychologists. Using a vignette study, the aim of this study ...Embargo until 2020-09-03 (yyyy-mm-dd) -
Failing to Attract a Female Partner - Are Low Mate Value and Mate Access Associated with Anti-feminist Attitudes among Men?
(2022)Among various groups of men with anti-feminist agendas, members are motivated by difficulties in attracting and retaining female romantic or sexual partners. This suggests that individual differences in the capacity to ... -
Family factors among Finnish adolescents with truancy and medical absence in school
(2023)Abstract: Introduction The aim of the study was to analyze if there are differences in family factors among youth who are absent due to medical absence as compared to youth with truancy. Research has found family factors ... -
Feasibility of the Back2School Intervention in the Finnish Context : A Transdiagnostic Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for School Attendance Problems
(2023)School attendance problems (SAPs) is a heterogeneous clinical phenomenon with a wide variety of associated etiologies, symptoms, and perpetuating factors. Most existing intervention manuals based on cognitive behavioral ... -
Female Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Norway : Agency and Victimisation from Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
(Åbo Akademi, 2020)Objective: The study aims to determine the perceptions of Norwegian NGOs’ representatives of the possibilities and constraints for female asylum seekers, refugees, and immigrants’ agency during the asylum process, and the ...Embargo 27.4.2021 asti -
Finding the Mating Gear : The Development and Validation of a Mate Access Scale
(Åbo Akademi, 2020)Finding mates is evolutionarily fundamental and low mate access may increase the risk of psychopathologies. Most studies assume that our social environment provides us with access to mates, and that only personal characteristics ... -
Finlandssvenska lärares välbefinnande på arbetsplatsen : En kvantitativ studie om stress, socialt stöd och arbetsbelastning
(2023)Inledning: Lärares välbefinnande är en aktuell och relevant samhällsfråga. Över en tredjedel av lärarna i Finland känner sig ofta stressade (Golnick & Ilves, 2021) och i Svenskfinland rapporterar var tredje lärare att de ...