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Claiming the Right to Life in the Context of Climate Change – Special Attention on Children
(2024)Climate change is one of the most comprehensive threats of the present that affects the enjoyment of individuals’ human rights. Especially children are vulnerable to climate change effects due to the stage of their physical ... -
Digital marknadsföring riktad till minderåriga : Hur skyddas barn och unga mot olämplig marknadsföring i den digitala miljön?
(2022)Barn och unga tillbringar alltmer tid i den digitala miljön, där de ständigt blir utsatta för marknadsföring och marknadskommunikation i olika former. Problematiskt är att en stor del av dylikt kommersiellt innehåll inte ... -
Extent of the Protection of the Right to Health of Undocumented Minors : Legal Standards in International Human Rights Law and Practical Barriers in Selected EU Member States
(2023)The right to health is a fundamental entitlement for all individuals, but certain groups, such as undocumented minors, face barriers that hinder their access to this right. Regrettably, there has been limited research ... -
Judicial interpretations of different courts and treaty bodies on using the last resort principle within the context of unaccompanied and separated child immigration detention.
(2024)Some international human rights conventional provisions, such as Article 37(b) of the Children’s Convention, have given space to use the last resort principle within the context of child immigration detention. However, the ...