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Viitteet 41-60 / 121
Implementeringen av internationella naturvårdsfördrag i Finland och på Åland
(Åbo Akademi, 2017)Ålands roll med avseende på de åtaganden som följer av de internationella fördrag som Finland ingått, har varit till viss mån oklar enligt alla de tre självstyrelselagar som har varit i kraft sedan 1920. Åland saknar ... -
In pursuit of continuity : a study on automatic succession to human rights treaties and its development to customary international law
(2024)State succession, that is, the replacement of one State by another in the responsibility for the international relations of territory, occurs during highly politically sensitive contexts making the protection of the human ... -
In the Absence of Mercy : The Role of the Right to Dignity in the Debate of the Legality of Autonomous Weapon Systems
(2024)Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS) are one of the emerging technologies within warfare, seen to pose challenges in complying with international humanitarian law (IHL), and human rights law. Others see the development of AWS ... -
Indigenous Self-Determination and the Human-Rights Based Approach to Sustainable Development : Potentials and Limitations
(2021)In a global scenario of growing environmental pressure and escalating resource conflicts, Indigenous peoples have gained increased visibility. First, the recognition of their potential contributions to environmental ... -
Informationsskyldigheten vid försäkringsavtal - balanseringen mellan försäkringsgivarens informationsskyldighet och försäkringstagarens eget ansvar
(2023)Avhandlingen behandlar försäkringsrätt, och specifikt informationsskyldigheten när det kommer till försäkringar. Det har skett mycket förändringar inom försäkringsverksamheten inom de senaste åren och informationsskyldigheten ... -
International child abduction – balancing on a tightrope between procedural effectiveness and the protection of human rights : The Hague Child Abduction Convention and the European Court of Human Rights
(Åbo Akademi, 2020)International child abduction cases consist of complex and sensitive issues that have become more common alongside globalisation and increased international interaction between people. Cases can be considered difficult to ... -
International environmental displacement : could soft law fill the legal protection void?
(2024)Since records began, 174 years ago, 2023 registered the warmest temperatures, inaugurating what the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), António Guterres, has called “the era of global boiling”. The UN estimates ... -
Internationally Wrongful Acts in Cyberspace : Allocating State Responsibility for “Below the Threshold” Cyber Operations
(Åbo Akademi, 2020)State cyber operations that occur during peacetime and fall below the threshold of prohibited uses of force have become commonplace. Over the past decade, it has been estimated that over a hundred states have acquired the ... -
Irretrievably Prejudiced? : The Right to Legal Aid in Exclusion Proceedings at First Instance within the European Union
(2022)Article 1F of the Refugee Convention obliges contracting states to exclude individuals suspected of having committed certain grave crimes from the scope of the Refugee Convention. While taking place within the administrative ... -
”JA! JAG VILL! ELLER… VILL JAG VERKLIGEN?” : En kritisk granskning av sexuellt samtycke utifrån Den europeiska konventionen om de mänskliga rättigheterna samt Europarådets konvention om förebyggande och bekämpning av våld mot kvinnor och av våld i hemmet
(Åbo Akademi, 2019)Våldet mot kvinnor är erkänt som brott mot de mänskliga rättigheterna. Även det sexuella våldet mot kvinnor, däribland våldtäkt, har inkluderats. Definitionen på våldtäkt har traditionellt sett utgått ifrån krav på våld, ... -
Judicial interpretations of different courts and treaty bodies on using the last resort principle within the context of unaccompanied and separated child immigration detention.
(2024)Some international human rights conventional provisions, such as Article 37(b) of the Children’s Convention, have given space to use the last resort principle within the context of child immigration detention. However, the ... -
Klimat, fred och säkerhet : FN:s säkerhetsråd och klimatförändringen
(Åbo Akademi, 2018)I takt med att den vetenskapliga förståelsen för klimatförändringen ökat förstås även de säkerhetsrisker ett varmare klimat medför allt bättre. Effekterna av klimatförändringen är påtagliga redan idag. I och med att ...Kokoteksti on luettavissa vain Kirjatornissa ja Academill-kirjastossa. -
Kontroll av och tekniskt bistånd för produkter med dubbla användningsområden
(2022)Den 9 semptember 2021 trädde Europaparlamentets och Rådets förordning (EU) 2021/821 om upprättande av en unionsordning för kontroll av export, förmedling, transitering och överföring av samt tekniskt bistånd för produkter ... -
Kriminalisera abort, ett brott mot mänskliga rättigheter? – ett människorättsperspektiv
(2023)Abstrakt: Varje år görs cirka 73 miljoner osäkra aborter runtom i världen. Anledningen till det stora antalet är att många länder har väldigt strikta abortlagar eller rentav förbud mot att göra abort. Strikta abortlagar ... -
Legitimately Left Behind? : The Power of ICESCR Obligations to Challenge State Responses in Economic Crises which Deepen Economic lnequality
(2024)The cost-of-living crisis, a combination of disruptions in the global economy which has its roots in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine at the beginning of 2022 and the COVID-19 pandemic, has increased the prices of everyday ... -
LGB Asylum and Family Reunification in the EU
(2023)The thesis explores the topics of asylum based on sexual orientation, as well as family reunification in an LGB context through a timeline of stages constituting of before, during and after the processing of the asylum ... -
Medical Interventions on Intersex Children in the Context of International Human Rights Law : In the Best Interests of the Child or Treatment Contrary to the Prohibition of ill-treatment?
(2024)This study focuses on the concept of best interests of the child, which is included in Article 3(1) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the prohibition of ill-treatment, Article 3 of the European Convention ... -
Migrants at the Borders of Europe : The European Framework for Protection against Pushbacks and Collective Expulsions
(2021)Practices of pushbacks and collective expulsions have become an increasingly worrying trend at the external borders of European countries. While several states have been dealing with an increased migratory pressure, reports ... -
Mogilisatsiya – The Rights and Refugee Status Eligibility of Russian Absolute and Selective Conscientious Objectors during the War in Ukraine
(2023)This thesis sets out to define and contextualize the right to conscientious objection to military service within the field of international human rights law and refugee law. Practicing conscientious objection to military ... -
Mödradöd och mänskliga rättigheter
(Åbo Akademi, 2019)