Selaus nimekkeen mukaan kokoelmassa 614 Teologia
Viitteet 1-20 / 83
Abraham Bar Hiyya on time, history, exile and redemption : an analysis of Megillat ha-Megalleh
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 19.12.2012)- -
African Church or Western Mission? : The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya Seeks Her Identity 1968-1996
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 24.11.2021)Under perioden 1968–1996 var den evangelisk-lutherska kyrkan i Kenya i stort sett enad och fungerade som ett enda stift. Den hade kenyanska ledare istället för som tidigare västerländska missionärer. En viktig fråga för ... -
An Islamic mosaic - women's identities in transition : Albanian Muslim women in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 08.12.2012) -
Att tala om det osägbara : Nicolaus Cusanus cirkulära filosofi i verket De coniecturis med särskild hänsyn till Nelson Pikes tankar om unio mystica
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 2014)In my dissertation called Speaking of the unsayable: The circular philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa in his work De coniecturis, I presuppose an internal (conceptual) relation between the personal experience of God of Nicholas ... -
Attitudes Towards Euthanasia among the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Clergy
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 26.05.2023)The issue of legalizing euthanasia has been a longstanding topic of discussion in Finnish society for the past few decades. The support for euthanasia has increased in Finland among the general population, as well as among ... -
Axel B. Svensson - missionsledare och redaktör med internationellt engagemang
(Åbo Akademi, 03.12.2021) -
Biblical Onomasticon Speaks : An Anthroponymic and Toponymic Survey of Biblical and Epigraphic Onomasticon with Archaeological Support
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 01.03.2024)Personal names of the Old Testament have been more widely treated scientifically already approximately 100 years (since Martin Noth 1928). Usually scholars have been concentrated on internal structures of names, such as ... -
Bo Giertz om prästämbetet. Uppdragets teologi
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 11.10.2017) -
C.S. Lewis and Idealism
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 14.06.2024)The aim of this dissertation is to explore Lewis’ relation to idealism. As a means of studying the topic, I have chosen to focus on three main questions: What philosophical idealism did C.S. Lewis adhere to before he became ... -
Composite artistry in the Book of Numbers : a study in biblical narrative conventions
Studia Theologica Holmiensia : 22 (Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 12.11.2013)The present thesis discusses the coherence or lack of coherence in the book of Numbers, with special regard to its narrative features. The fragmented nature of Numbers is a well-known problem in research on the book, ... -
Das universale Recht bei Johannes Calvin : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung seines Naturrechtsverständnisses
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 01.06.2006) -
Det heliga äktenskapet
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 16.01.2020) -
Dialogue in the crisis of representation : realism and antirealism in the context of the conversation between theologians and quantum physicists in Göttingen 1949-1961
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 28.02.2005)The aim of this study is to analyse the content of the interdisciplinary conversations in Göttingen between 1949 and 1961. The task is to compare models for describing reality presented by quantum physicists and theologians. ... -
Did Jesus cite Isa 6:9-10? : Jesus’ saying in Mark 4:11-12 and the Isaianic idea of hardening and remnant
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 24.04.2010) -
Die Ethik unter dem Druck des Alltags : die Impulse der gesellschaftlichen Änderungen und Situation zu der sozialkritischen Prophetie in Juda im 8. Jh. v. Chr.
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 12.11.2004) -
Early modes of exegesis : ideal figures in Malachi as a test case
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 04.12.2014) -
Embracing the dark : the magic order of Dragon Rouge : its practice in dark magic and meaning making
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 17.06.2005) -
En kamp om själar : den evangelisk-lutherska kyrkan i Borgåbygden och dess röda medlemmar under tiden kring år 1918
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 29.11.2004) -
Faran ropar mitt namn! : Lydia Wahlström som politisk teologi
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 07.06.2024) -
Faster for the master! : exploring issues of religious expression and alternative Christian identity within the Finnish Christian metal music scene
(Åbo Akademis förlag - Åbo Akademi University Press, 04.12.2009)