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Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion of Minority Groups Using Structured Democratic Dialogue as a Tool : Examples from Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnia
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 10.06.2024)The overall aim of the thesis was to enhance the understanding of the social integration of minority groups in the Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnia region in Finland by utilizing the Structured Democratic Dialogue (SDD) process ... -
A Cross-cultural Examination of the Relationship between Intercultural Competence, Private Self-awareness, and Well-being : Evidence from Syrians in Germany and Arabic- speaking Immigrants in Finland
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 16.05.2024)The overall aim of the thesis was to examine the associations between intercultural competence, self-awareness and psychological well-being of Syrian immigrants in Germany and Arabic-speaking immigrants in Finland. The ... -
Predictors of Igbo Adolescents’ Well-being and Behavioral Problems in Southeastern Nigeria : Exposure to Armed Conflict and Physical Punishment at Home
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 02.11.2023)The overall aim of the thesis is to investigate the mental well-being and behavioral problems among Igbo adolescents in Southeastern Nigeria, living in an environment of constant armed conflict in the form of violent attacks ... -
Mental well-being at work : Support and protective factors of work engagement and work-life balance in contemporary working life
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 19.05.2023)Background: The promotion of mental well-being at work, including work engagement and work-life balance, is a top priority for organizations worldwide. Organizations are likely to benefit from prioritizing mental well-being ... -
Sex Differences in Effective Political Participation among Elected People's Representatives of the Rural Local Governance Units, Union Parishads, of Bangladesh : Workplace and Sexual Harrassment, and Cultural Hurdles to Female Participation
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 05.12.2022)The aim of this thesis, consisting of four published articles (Studies I–IV), was to explore sex differences in political participation and factors related to these sex differences among people’s representatives in the ... -
Social Integration, Psychological Well-being, and Proactive Attitudes towards the Integration of Immigrants in a Sample of the Swedish-speaking Population in Western Finland
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 07.11.2022)The aim of this thesis is to examine social integration, psychological well-being, proactive attitudes towards the integration of immigrants, intense group identification, and witnessing domestic aggression within a sample ... -
Victimisation of Women in Public Places : Sexual Harassment in Pakistan, Ghana, and Finland
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 13.06.2022)The overall aim of the thesis was to investigate the prevalence rate of victimisation of women from sexual harassment in public places in countries with different cultural norms: Pakistan, Ghana, and Finland. The study ... -
The Interplay between Maternal Executive Functioning and Psychological Risk Factors in the Context of Early Caregiving Behavior : Findings from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 21.05.2022)Recent studies have indicated executive functioning (EF) to be one of the parental variables that shape caregiving behavior. Besides being directly associated with caregiving, EF has joint effects with other parenting ... -
Behavioural Crime Linking in Serial Homicide : Towards Practical Application
(Åbo Akademi University, 18.03.2022)Brottslänkning syftar till att länka samman två eller flera, för brottsutredaren observerbara brott, på basis av gärningspersonens brottsplatsbeteende. Metoden bygger på antagandet att en gärningspersons beteende är ... -
Husbands and Mothers-in-law as Perpetrators of Domestic Aggression against Married Women in Pakistan
(Åbo Akademi University, 10.12.2021)The overall aim of this thesis is to investigate the behaviours of husbands and mothers-in-law as perpetrators of domestic aggression against married women in Pakistan, and mental health symptoms associated with victimisation ... -
Psychological factors associated with vaccine attitudes and vaccination behaviors
(Åbo Akademi University, 17.11.2021)High vaccine uptake is important to limit the spread of infectious diseases. Knowing what factors are related to vaccination decisions can help health authorities communicate effectively with the public about vaccines. In ... -
Overcrowding, Sleep Depravation, and Infectious Diseases as Risk Factors for Aggressive and Antisocial behaviour in Nigerian Adolescents
(Åbo Akademi University, 15.10.2021)The studies in the current thesis investigated the relationships between overcrowding, domestic aggression, and antisocial behaviour in adolescents in Ejigbo, Lagos, Nigeria (Study 1); domestic aggression and negativity ... -
The Effect of Vascular Brain Changes on Cognitive Function in Normal Aging, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease
(Åbo Akademi University, 17.09.2021)Aging is associated with an increased risk for developing vascular pathology in cerebral white matter (WM). These brain changes can have a variety of cognitive repercussions, ranging from insignificant to mild cognitive ... -
Physical Punishment, Acceptance of Violence, Tolerance of Diversity, and School Burnout : A Comparative Study of Three Educational Systems in Pakistan
(Åbo Akademi University, 04.06.2021)Aims: The overall aim of the thesis was to investigate attitudes towards different forms of aggression, school burnout, and psychological concomitants among students from three different school systems in Pakistan; namely ... -
FICSA : The Finnish Investigative Instrument of Child Sexual Abuse : Machine Learning Applied to Criminal Investigations
(Åbo Akademi University, 04.12.2020)Utredningar av misstänkta sexuella uttnyttjanden av barn (SUB) är krävande. Medan förekomsten av SUB minskat över de senaste åren så har antalet anmälningar ökat. Ofrånkomligen är en del av anmälningarna ogrundade vilket ... -
Lens of Emotion : Emotion Regulation and Out-Group Attitudes
(Åbo Akademi University, 04.06.2020)Emotions play an important role in intergroup attitudes, and more broadly, in intergroup relations. Emotions, and intergroup emotions more specifically, arise based on an individual’s appraisal of an out-group situation, ... -
Witnessing an Unfamiliar Person : The Effects of Distance, Lighting, Age, Line-up Type, and Line-up Position on Eyewitness Accuracy
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 03.06.2020)In criminal cases, DNA evidence is considered circumstantial evidence, whereas an identification by an eyewitness, after having observed a perpetrator commit a criminal act, is considered direct evidence of a suspect’s ... -
Sex Differences in Aggression within Adult Samples in Ghana
(Åbo Akademi University, 15.05.2020)Previous studies into sex differences in aggression have suggested that in most patriarchal African nations, sex roles, and traditional beliefs have predisposed men and boys to dominate women. This circumstance has ... -
A Jungian Theory of Mind : Individuality, lost, gained, and transcended
(Åbo Akademi University, 08.05.2020)Every time an individual or a society gets into an inner or outer conflict, it questions its worldview and recognised values, and the personal and collective identity are activated on an unconscious level. Deep changes in ... -
Diagnosis, Etiology, and Psychobehavioral Treatment of Premature Ejaculation
(Åbo Akademi - Åbo Akademi University, 18.10.2019)Premature ejaculation (PE) is characterized by a pattern of involuntary ejaculation prior to, upon, or shortly after penetration leading to personal or interpersonal distress. Some definitions add a time limit of about 1 ...