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Viitteet 112-117 / 117
Valvonta ja teknologia : tapaus Venäjä
(Suomen rauhantutkimusyhdistys, 2022)Koronapandemian myötä eri maissa on otettu käyttöön kansalaisten normaalia elämää rajoittavia määräyksiä pandemian leviämisen ehkäisemiseksi. Liikkumisrajoitusten valvonnassa on hyödynnetty erilaisia teknologiasovelluksia, ... -
Visual seabed classification using k-means clustering, CIELAB colors and Gabor-filters
(Elsevier B.V., 2021)In this article, we discuss visual classification using unsupervised learning combined with methods that originate from human vision to divide the Baltic seabed to the soft and hard areas. Seabed classification plays ... -
Växelverkan över Bottenviken : det svenska inflytandet över finsk krigskonst
(Krigsvetenskapsakademien, 2018) -
Weight watchers : NASA-TLX weights revisited
(Informa UK Limited, 2021)National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) is a popular method to evaluate mental workload. NASA-TLX assesses mental workload across six load dimensions. When the dimensions are not assumed ... -
Willing, Caring and Capable : Gendered Ideals of Vernacular Preparedness in Finland
(Oxford University Press, 2021)This article analyzes women’s own emergency preparedness courses within voluntary defense training Finland as a site of “vernacular security”. The article introduces a subcategory of vernacular security, “vernacular ... -
Willingness to Defend and Foreign Policy in Sweden and Finland from the Early Cold War Period to the 2010s
2 (Informa UK Limited, 2024)The actions of a state in foreign policy are often linked to the capabilities or forms of strength available to its government, including the organization of defence with civilian support. This connection frequently manifests ...