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Viitteet 52-71 / 117
If you are late, you are Beyond help : Disinformation and Authorities in Social Media
(2022)Fast paced, seemingly vast and ever-growing social media is a challenging environment for public authorities to communicate optimally. One challenge is malicious disinformation, which is intentionally disseminated to deceive ... -
Improving Energy Expenditure Estimation in Wrist-Worn Wearables by Augmenting Heart Rate Data With Heat Flux Measurement
(IEEE, 2021)Wearable electronics are often used for estimating the energy expenditure of the user based on heart rate measurement. While heart rate is a good predictor of calorie consumption at high intensities, it is less precise at ... -
Improving pilots’ tactical decisions in air combat training using the critical decision method
(Cambridge University Press, 2024)In fighter pilot training, much of upgrade pilots’ (UPs’) learning takes place during mission debriefs. A debrief provides instructor pilots (IPs) the opportunity to correct situation awareness (SA) upon which the UPs base ... -
Influence of Menstrual Cycle or Hormonal Contraceptive Phase on Energy Intake and Metabolic Hormones : A Pilot Study
(MDPI, 2021)Sex hormones are suggested to influence energy intake (EI) and metabolic hormones. This study investigated the influence of menstrual cycle (MC) and hormonal contraceptive (HC) cycle phases on EI, energy availability (EA), ... -
Influence of Menstrual Cycle or Hormonal Contraceptive Phase on Physiological Variables Monitored During Treadmill Testing
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2021)Purpose: To examine the influence of menstrual cycle (MC) and hormonal contraceptive (HC) cycle phases on physiological variables monitored during incremental treadmill testing in physically active women (eumenorrheic, EUM ... -
Integration of existing military capability models into the Comprehensive Capability Meta-model
(IEEE, 28.02.2013)Abstract—This paper discusses existing military capability models and proposes a comprehensive capability meta-model (CCMM) which unites the existing capability models into an integrated and hierarchical whole. The Zachman ... -
Interdependence of Internal and External Security
European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (Academic Conferences International, 2021)Changes in the security environment, affecting both internal and external security, have been rapid in recent times. Security challenges related to hybrid phenomena, cybersecurity and organized cross-border crime significantly ... -
Introduction to the Special Issue : Patriotism, Public Opinion, and National Defense in Estonia, Finland, and Sweden
(University of Florida Press, 2022)How do political communities stick together as polities in times of crisis? What is needed to motivate their citizens work together to deter threats, maintain state monopolies of violence, and sustain different forms of ... -
Involving Humans in the Cryptographic Loop : Introduction and Threat Analysis of EEVEHAC
(SCITEPRESS Science And Technology Publications, 2021)Our digital lives rely on modern cryptography that is based on complicated mathematics average human users cannot follow. Previous attempts at adding the human user into the cryptographic loop include things like Human ... -
Kiinan sotilasstrategia : käsitteet ja kehitys kylmän sodan jälkeen
(Suomen rauhantutkimusyhdistys, 2022)Artikkeli tarkastelee Kiinan sotilasstrategian kehittymistä kylmän sodan jälkeisellä aikakaudella soveltamalla konstruktivismista ammentavaa sodan paradigman käsitettä. Artikkelin mukaan Kiinan sotilasstrategia on kehittynyt ... -
Large lungs may predict increased air trapping in navy divers
(2022)Navy divers tend to have large lungs and low expiratory flow rates in the ter-minal portion of a spirogram. We examined Finnish Navy divers for the pres-ence of air trapping, airway obstruction, and functional airway ... -
Legal Aspects of Additive Manufacturing in the Military Logistics
(2022)The use of Additive Manufacturing (AM) in military logistics is limited by the uncertainty about the legal risks of using the method. The purpose of this study was to identify the potential legal risks associated with AM ... -
Lower-body muscular power predicts performance on urban combat simulation
(IOS Press, 2024)BACKGROUND:Military operations in urban environments requires faster movements and therefore may place greater demands on soldier strength and anaerobic ability. OBJECTIVE:The aim was to study how physical fitness and body ... -
Maanpuolustustahdosta maanpuolustussuhteeseen – Siviilipalvelusvelvollisten ja reservistä eroavien kokemuksia asevelvollisuudesta ja hyvinvointivaltiosta
(2019)Artikkelissa tarkastellaan, miten ja millaisista tekijöistä kansalaisen suhde maanpuolustukseen rakentuu. Aineistona ovat siviilipalvelusta suorittavien ja reservistä eroavien suomalaisten asevelvollisten haastattelut (71 ... -
Microdialysis-Assessed Exercised Muscle Reveals Localized and Differential IGFBP Responses to Unilateral Stretch Shortening Cycle Exercise
(2020)Microdialysis allows for a preview into local muscle metabolism and can provide physiological insight that blood measurements cannot. Purpose: To examine the potential differential IGF-I system regulation in interstitial ... -
Mihin sotahistorian tutkimuksen painopiste tulisi tulevaisuudessa suunnata?
(Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu, 2008) -
Mikä on suomalaisen sotahistorian tutkimuksen nykytila
(Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu, 2008) -
Moderating effect of leisure-time physical activity on the relationship between bullying victimisation and self-esteem in young Finnish men
(2024)Background and aims The links between bullying victimisation and low self-esteem are well established. However, the relationship between physical activity (PA), bullying victimisation and self-esteem is still rather ... -
Monitoring Training and Recovery during a Period of Increased Intensity or Volume in Recreational Endurance Athletes
(MDPI, 2021)The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of progressively increased training intensity or volume on the nocturnal heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV), countermovement jump, perceived recovery, and ...