Selaus asiasanan mukaan kokoelmassa "esiintyminen"

    • Kun pelko astuu lavalle : eli kuinka opin elämään esiintymisjännityksen kanssa 

      Sarkkinen, Maria (Helsinki Polytechnic StadiaHelsingin ammattikorkeakoulu Stadia, 19.05.2006)
      This thesis focuses on stage fright; what it is and how to find the ideal solution in connection with stage fright. To find the way toward free expression; to find the way from lack of control to con-trol. It also describes ...
    • Luovuus näyttelijäntyössä 

      Santavuori, Maria (Helsinki Polytechnic StadiaHelsingin ammattikorkeakoulu Stadia, 19.05.2006)
      This thesis considers creativity in acting and performing. The original question is how to construct roles creatively. The thesis also considers the quality of creativity at a general level. In addition, the question expands ...