Bedömning i fokus för skolans pedagogiska uppdrag
Svens-Liavåg, Camilla (2024-06-07)
Svens-Liavåg, Camilla
Åbo Akademi
Kappa & artikkelit I & III: Julkaisu on tekijänoikeussäännösten alainen. Teosta voi lukea ja tulostaa henkilökohtaista käyttöä varten. Käyttö kaupallisiin tarkoituksiin on kielletty.
Artikkeli II: CC BY-NC-ND
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka faktorer relaterade till bedömning av elever i årskurs 9 i den finländska grundläggande utbildningen, med fokus på vitsord i skolämnena modersmål och litteratur och matematik samt i uppförande. Avsikten var att belysa faktorer som inverkar på vitsordsgivningen och är av betydelse för möjligheter till val av studieinriktning på följande utbildningsstadium. I studie I undersöktes skolvisa skillnader i bedömning och hur lärarskattad motivation och bedömning av elevernas uppförande kan förklara diskrepansen mellan testresultat i standardiserade test och vitsord i modersmål och litteratur och i matematik. I studie II undersöktes hurdana skolprestations- och beteendeprofiler som kunde identifieras bland eleverna baserat på vitsord i modersmål och litteratur, uppförandevitsord och resultat i standardiserade test gällande läs- och skrivförmåga, samt hur dessa profiler skiljer sig åt gällande temperamentsegenskaperna uthållighet och impulsivitet. I studie III undersöktes samband mellan erhållen specialundervisning, skolprestationer i modersmål och litteratur och i matematik, kön och utbildningsval efter avslutad grundläggande utbildning. Vidare undersöktes hur utbildningsval kan prediceras av ämnesvitsord, erhållen specialundervisning och kön.
På skolnivå förekom inga skillnader i ämnesbedömningen, variationen fanns på elevnivå. I uppförandebedömningen förekom däremot skolvisa skillnader. Regressionsanalyser visade att lärarskattad motivation var den starkaste prediktorn för diskrepansen mellan testresultat och vitsord i såväl modersmål och litteratur som i matematik, då ett positivt/negativt diskrepansvärde gav högre/lägre vitsord i ämnet än förväntat utgående från testresultaten. I modersmål och litteratur förklarade även uppförandevitsordet en del av diskrepansen. Den latenta profilanalysen identifierade skolprestations- och beteendeprofiler baserade på vitsord i modersmål och litteratur och uppförande samt testresultat i standardiserade test. Variansanalyser visade att profilerna skiljde sig från varandra gällande temperamentsegenskaperna uthållighet och impulsivitet. Elever med hög uthållighet och låg impulsivitet hade högst vitsord och bäst testresultat, medan eleverna med lägst uthållighet och högst impulsivitet hade lägst vitsord. T-test visade att flickor hade signifikant högre vitsord i modersmål och matematik än pojkarna, att elever som fått specialundervisning hade signifikant lägre vitsord i bägge ämnena än elever som inte fått det och att elever som sökte till gymnasieutbildning efter avslutad grundskola hade signifikant högre vitsord i bägge ämnena än elever som siktade på yrkesutbildning. Hierarkisk logistisk regressionsanalys visade att vitsorden i bägge ämnena predicerade elevernas utbildningsval, medan specialundervisning och kön inte gjorde det när man kontrollerade för skolprestationer.
Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att lärares upplevelser av elevers motivation, uppförande och temperament inverkar på ämnesbedömningen i modersmål och litteratur och matematik i årskurs 9. Samtidigt är vitsorden i dessa ämnen av betydelse för elevernas valmöjligheter gällande utbildningsinriktning efter avslutad grundläggande utbildning. Att synliggöra faktorer som inverkar på bedömningen är därför av yttersta vikt. The aim of this thesis has been to investigate factors related to the assessment of students in grade 9 in Finnish basic education, focusing on grades in the school subjects “mother tongue and literature” (first language, L1, Swedish) and mathematics in addition to behaviour grades. The intention was to uncover factors that influenced teachers’ grading of the students and thereby impacted the educational choices available to them at the following educational level.
The thesis is based on three original studies. Study I looked at differences in assessment between schools and whether teachers’ rating of the students’ motivation and behaviour can explain the discrepancy between grading in L1 and mathematics on the one hand and the corresponding results of standardized tests on the other. Study II investigated school performance and behavioural profiles among the students based on standardized test results in reading and writing and by grading of behavour and L1. It furthermore investigated how the students’ behavioural profiles differed in terms of the temperament traits of persistence and impulsivity. Finally, study III examined educational choice after completed basic education, and its predictability, versus school performance in L1 and in mathematics, gender, and whether or not the student had received special education.
In study I, no significant differences were found between schools in terms of subject assessment, although variations were found at the student level. Between schools, differences were found in the assessment of students’ behaviour. Regression analysis showed teacher-rated motivation to be the strongest predictor of discrepancy between test results and grades in both L1 and mathematics. A high assessment of the students’ motivation correlated with higher subject grades than one might expect based on the test results, and vice versa. Also L1 grading discrepancies could partly be explained by behavior grades.
In study II, by applying latent profile analysis to L1 grades, behaviour grades, and scores on standardized tests, three different profiles could be identified for school performance and behaviour: one group exhibited both high grades and high test scores, the second had low test scores and lower but still relatively good grades, and the third had low grades but good test scores. By means of analysis of variance specific differences could be dicerned between these profiles specifically with regard to the temperament traits persistence and impulsivity. Quite expectedly, students with a combination of high persistence and low impulsivity had high grades as well as the best test results. Interestingly, however, while those with the lowest persistence and highest impulsivity had the lowest grades, they also achieved good test scores.
In study III, t-tests showed that girls had significantly higher grades in L1 and mathematics than boys, that students who had received special education had significantly lower grades in both subjects than other students, and that students who applied for upper secondary education after finishing basic education had significantly higher grades in both subjects than students who aimed for vocational training. Hierarchical logistic regression analysis showed that grades in both subjects predicted students’ educational choices, while special education and gender did not when controlling for school performance.
In summary, it appears that how teachers experience students’ motivation, behaviour and temperament affects the subject assessment in L1 and mathematics in grade 9. At the same time, it is evident that the grades in these subjects matter to the students’ choices of educational path after completing basic education. There is a clear need to study further what the challenges and complexities of the teachers’ assessment assignment implies. While the assessment criteria themselves deserve further focus, there is also a need for much deeper understanding of today’s delicate process where subjective collaboration with the students is meant to result in objective summative grade giving. More research on the factors affecting the student assessment is therefore of the utmost importance
På skolnivå förekom inga skillnader i ämnesbedömningen, variationen fanns på elevnivå. I uppförandebedömningen förekom däremot skolvisa skillnader. Regressionsanalyser visade att lärarskattad motivation var den starkaste prediktorn för diskrepansen mellan testresultat och vitsord i såväl modersmål och litteratur som i matematik, då ett positivt/negativt diskrepansvärde gav högre/lägre vitsord i ämnet än förväntat utgående från testresultaten. I modersmål och litteratur förklarade även uppförandevitsordet en del av diskrepansen. Den latenta profilanalysen identifierade skolprestations- och beteendeprofiler baserade på vitsord i modersmål och litteratur och uppförande samt testresultat i standardiserade test. Variansanalyser visade att profilerna skiljde sig från varandra gällande temperamentsegenskaperna uthållighet och impulsivitet. Elever med hög uthållighet och låg impulsivitet hade högst vitsord och bäst testresultat, medan eleverna med lägst uthållighet och högst impulsivitet hade lägst vitsord. T-test visade att flickor hade signifikant högre vitsord i modersmål och matematik än pojkarna, att elever som fått specialundervisning hade signifikant lägre vitsord i bägge ämnena än elever som inte fått det och att elever som sökte till gymnasieutbildning efter avslutad grundskola hade signifikant högre vitsord i bägge ämnena än elever som siktade på yrkesutbildning. Hierarkisk logistisk regressionsanalys visade att vitsorden i bägge ämnena predicerade elevernas utbildningsval, medan specialundervisning och kön inte gjorde det när man kontrollerade för skolprestationer.
Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att lärares upplevelser av elevers motivation, uppförande och temperament inverkar på ämnesbedömningen i modersmål och litteratur och matematik i årskurs 9. Samtidigt är vitsorden i dessa ämnen av betydelse för elevernas valmöjligheter gällande utbildningsinriktning efter avslutad grundläggande utbildning. Att synliggöra faktorer som inverkar på bedömningen är därför av yttersta vikt.
The thesis is based on three original studies. Study I looked at differences in assessment between schools and whether teachers’ rating of the students’ motivation and behaviour can explain the discrepancy between grading in L1 and mathematics on the one hand and the corresponding results of standardized tests on the other. Study II investigated school performance and behavioural profiles among the students based on standardized test results in reading and writing and by grading of behavour and L1. It furthermore investigated how the students’ behavioural profiles differed in terms of the temperament traits of persistence and impulsivity. Finally, study III examined educational choice after completed basic education, and its predictability, versus school performance in L1 and in mathematics, gender, and whether or not the student had received special education.
In study I, no significant differences were found between schools in terms of subject assessment, although variations were found at the student level. Between schools, differences were found in the assessment of students’ behaviour. Regression analysis showed teacher-rated motivation to be the strongest predictor of discrepancy between test results and grades in both L1 and mathematics. A high assessment of the students’ motivation correlated with higher subject grades than one might expect based on the test results, and vice versa. Also L1 grading discrepancies could partly be explained by behavior grades.
In study II, by applying latent profile analysis to L1 grades, behaviour grades, and scores on standardized tests, three different profiles could be identified for school performance and behaviour: one group exhibited both high grades and high test scores, the second had low test scores and lower but still relatively good grades, and the third had low grades but good test scores. By means of analysis of variance specific differences could be dicerned between these profiles specifically with regard to the temperament traits persistence and impulsivity. Quite expectedly, students with a combination of high persistence and low impulsivity had high grades as well as the best test results. Interestingly, however, while those with the lowest persistence and highest impulsivity had the lowest grades, they also achieved good test scores.
In study III, t-tests showed that girls had significantly higher grades in L1 and mathematics than boys, that students who had received special education had significantly lower grades in both subjects than other students, and that students who applied for upper secondary education after finishing basic education had significantly higher grades in both subjects than students who aimed for vocational training. Hierarchical logistic regression analysis showed that grades in both subjects predicted students’ educational choices, while special education and gender did not when controlling for school performance.
In summary, it appears that how teachers experience students’ motivation, behaviour and temperament affects the subject assessment in L1 and mathematics in grade 9. At the same time, it is evident that the grades in these subjects matter to the students’ choices of educational path after completing basic education. There is a clear need to study further what the challenges and complexities of the teachers’ assessment assignment implies. While the assessment criteria themselves deserve further focus, there is also a need for much deeper understanding of today’s delicate process where subjective collaboration with the students is meant to result in objective summative grade giving. More research on the factors affecting the student assessment is therefore of the utmost importance
- 516 Kasvatustieteet [112]