Rapporter från Husö biologiska station, nr 75-
Åren 1979-1989 hette serien Forskningsrapport till Ålands landskapsstyrelse (numren 1-74)
Uusimmat viitteet
Rapport no 169 : Marine inventories to support ecosystem-based management and the expansion of the MPA network in the Åland Islands – Final report of the ÅlandSeaMap project (2019–2023)
Forskningsrapporter från Husö biologiska station : 169 (Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2024)The Baltic Sea is increasingly exploited by society, which generally harms the underwater environment. Comprehensive and high-quality data on marine environments is essential to manage and maintain ecosystems and ecosystem ... -
Rapport no 168 : Förändringar i fisksamhället längs en skärgårdsgradient på NV Åland - en uppföljningsstudie
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2024)The structure of the fish communities along the archipelago gradient and three shallow bays in NW Åland were studied in the summer of 2023 between July and September as a follow-up study of earlier studies conducted in ... -
Rapport no 167 : Vegetationskartering av Mönsfladan och Onsviken - ett återbesök
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2024)A vegetation mapping of Mönsfladan and Onsviken was carried out in summer and autumn of 2023. This as a request from the Government of Åland and Åbo Akademi University. Mönsfladan is a 1,5 km long shallow bay in the northern ... -
Rapport no 166 : Kartering av undervattensvegetationen i Fladan och Estviken, Åland
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2023)As a request from the government of Åland, vegetation mapping of macrophytes in two shallow bays on Åland was carried out during the summer of 2023. These bays, Fladan and Estviken, south of Sund, had not previously been ... -
Rapport nr 165: Vattenvegetationen i grunda havsvikar, ett återbesök till havsvikar karterade 2002
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2023)During the summer and autumn of 2022, a vegetation mapping of 12 shallow bays around the Åland Islands was carried out as a request from the government of Åland and Åbo Akademi University. Most of the shallow bays had not ... -
Rapport nr 164: Uppföljningsstudie av gösens (Sander lucioperca (L.)) och de allmänna fiskbeståndens förekomst i Ålands inre skärgård
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2022)This was a follow up study based on previous survey of fish stocks in the inner archipelago of Åland with special focus on pikeperch (Sander lucioperca (L.)) performed in the year 2011. Pikeperch is a highly valued species ... -
Rapport nr 163: Bottenfaunan i Ålands skärgård 2022
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2022)In the summer of 2022, a study of benthic fauna was conducted in the Åland archipelago. The aim was to compare the benthic macroinvertebrate communities between 2013 and 2022 at 39 sites, some of which have been sampled ... -
Rapport nr 162: Småskaliga muddringars effekter på förekomsten och sammansättningen av vattenvegetationen
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2022)In the summer of 2021, the impact of small-scale dredging on the presence and composition of macrophytes was studied at ten sites in different parts of the Åland islands (Bergö, Strömma, Svartsmara, Bamböle and Hulta). ... -
Rapport nr 161: Förslag på nya övervakningspunkter av makrofyter i Ålands ytterskärgård baserat på karteringsdata
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2021)In the summer of 2021, vegetation data was analyzed and visualized to locate suitable new locations for monitoring. The data was collected between the years 2004 and 2020, using diving transects, around the Åland Islands. ... -
Rapport nr 160: Påverkan av mindre muddringar på förekomsten och sammansättningen av fiskyngel
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2021)By assignment of the Fisheries Bureau of the Government of Åland, the impact of small-scale dredging on the abundance and diversity of juvenile fish was studied in different parts of the Åland Islands. The impact of ... -
Rapport nr 159: Inverkan av vägbankar på vattenmiljön med fokus på vattenparametrar, bottenfauna och makrofyter – uppföljande studier
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2021)During the summer of 2020, a study on hydrography, sediment, zoobenthos and vegetation was conducted at three road embankments in the Åland archipelago. The same areas had previously been thoroughly surveyed in 2003 as ... -
Rapport nr 158: Djuputbredning av makrofyter på mjukbottnar i en skärgårdsgradient
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2021)In the summer of 2020, the depth distribution and cover of macrophytes was studied in the northwestern Åland Islands. The aim of the study was to describe how the depth distribution of soft bottom macrophytes changes along ... -
Rapport nr 157: Kartering av fisksamhällen och förekomst av plattfiskar och näbbgädda (Belone belone) på exponerade stränder på Åland
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2021)During the summer of 2020, a study was performed to assess the fish communities on exposed and shallow beaches around the Åland Islands, as assigned by the fisheries agency at the Government of Åland. The goals to this ... -
Rapport nr 156: Grundkartering och bedömning av vattentäktspotential i fem åländska sjöar
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2020)In the summer of 2019 five lakes (Bjärströmsträsk, Degerbergsfjärden, Dalsträsk, Kvarnträsk and Långträsk) in the Åland Islands were surveyed to determine their potential for water extraction. Water extraction from lakes ... -
Rapport nr 155: Kartering och habitatsklassificering av undervattensmiljön i Geta
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2020)As assigned by the Provincial Government of Åland Islands on the request of Geta Municipality, a mapping of underwater vegetation was carried out in the coastal waters of Geta, in the archipelago of Åland Islands. The aim ... -
Rapport nr 154: En översiktlig inventering av fyra potentiella lekvikar i Ålands skärgård
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2020)This project was done on the behalf of The Government of Åland, lasting from the beginning of April to end of July 2019. The purpose was to examine four previously selected bays in the archipelago of the Åland Islands as ... -
Rapport nr 153: Mapping Marine Natura 2000 habitats in Åland Final report
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2019)In 2016-2018 marine geological and biological surveys were carried out in the Åland Islands, in a project financed by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and the Government of Åland. During the project, special emphasis ... -
Rapport nr 152: Kartering och habitatklassificering av undervattensmiljön i Lumparn
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2018)During the summer of 2018, the underwater environment in Lumparn was studied by mapping macrophytes and blue mussel colonies in the area. The goal was to establish an overview of the distribution of species and valuable ... -
Rapport nr 151: Bedömning av mänsklig påverkan i och i närheten av, samt klassificering och utvärdering av grunda havsvikars undervattensväxtlighet på Åland
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2018)In the summer of 2018 the coverage data for underwater macrophytes was analysed to determine the degree of protection necessary with regards to 79 individual shallow bays on the Åland Islands. This was accomplished by using ... -
Rapport nr 150: Vandringsleder för fisk på Åland
(Åbo Akademi, Husö biologiska station, 2018)The project was launched in 2018 in the beginning of May and completed in the end of July. Part of the project was also performed in spring 2016. The aim was to map migratory paths of fish in the Åland islands. This was ...