Selaus nimekkeen mukaan kokoelmassa Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus VATT
Viitteet 144-163 / 1574
Data envelopment analyysi -menetelmän ympäristönsuojelusovellukset
VATT-keskustelualoitteita : 178 (Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus VATT, 01.01.1998)Selvityksessä arvioidaan mahdollisuuksia soveltaa tehokkuuden mittaamisessa käytettyjä menetelmiä ja erityisesti data envelopment -analyysiä (DEA) ympäristönsuojelukysymysten tarkasteluun. Raportissa esitellään lyhyesti ... -
Data Envelopment analyysi terveyskeskusten tuottavuuseroista Suomessa vuonna 1991
VATT-keskustelualoitteita : 60 (Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus VATT, 01.01.1994) -
Dealing with the Refugee Crisis: Policy Lessons from Economics and Political Science
Economic Policy Council Background Report (Talouspolitiikan arviointineuvosto, 24.01.2017) -
Dealing with the Refugee Crisis: Policy Lessons from Economics and Political Science (Economic Policy Council)
Economic Policy Council (Economic Policy Council, 24.01.2017)Taustaraportti talouspolitiikan arviointineuvostolle: Dealing with the Refugee Crisis: Policy Lessons from Economics and Political Science (Economic Policy Council) -
Deaton Review – Eriarvoisuus Suomessa
VATT Policy Brief : 4/2023 (Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus, 29.11.2023)Deaton Review -maavertailuissa kartoitetaan eriarvoisuuden kehittymistä usean vuosikymmenen aikana Euroopassa ja Pohjois-Amerikassa. Suomen maaraportissa tarkastellaan eriarvoisuutta Suomessa vuosina 1987–2021. Eriarvoisuus ... -
Debt adjustment proceedings in Finland
Economic Policy Council Background Report (Talouspolitiikan arviointineuvosto, 26.01.2021) -
Decomposing Migrant Self-Selection: Education, Occupation, and Unobserved Abilities
CESifo Working Papers : 10334 (CESifo, 01.03.2023)We analyze self-selection and sorting of emigrants from Finland, using full-population administrative data from Statistics Finland. We analyze emigration events lasting at least five years and decompose migrant self-selection ... -
Delivering affordable housing and neighborhood quality: A comparison of place- and tenant-based programs
Journal of Housing Economics (Elsevier, 2018)This paper analyzes the relative merits of large place- and tenant-based housing programs in Finland in terms of housing affordability and neighborhood quality. Using hedonic regression methods and household micro data, ... -
Demand Side Hysteresis in Finland - What Can We Learn from SVARs?
Economic Policy Council Background Report (Talouspolitiikan arviointineuvosto, 26.01.2022)We study whether aggregate demand shocks have long-run effects on output and employment using data for Finland and a number of other European economies. We use a recently proposed identification strategy that combines sign ... -
Demographic Factors and the Demand for Housing in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area
VATT-keskustelualoitteita : 191 (Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus VATT, 01.01.1999)We examine the role of demographics on the housing market in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (HMA) using the Mankiw and Weil (1989) approach. First, we estimate housing demand for each age group in HMA using cross section ... -
Demography, Pensions and Welfare: Fertility Shocks and the Finnish Economy
VATT-keskustelualoitteita : 131 (Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus VATT, 01.01.1996)The economic effects of an ageing population are preoccupying policy-makers in most industrial countries. In this paper, we study the economic impact of the demographic shock in Finland, a country for which the post-war ... -
Design and Evaluation of the Finnish Basic Income Experiment
National Tax Journal : 3 (National Tax Association, 2022)The Finnish basic income experiment was an ambitious effort to study basic income in a Nordic welfare state. This paper describes the planning, implementation, and scientific evaluation of the experiment. The randomized ... -
Determinants of Expenditure Variation in Finnish Municipalities
VATT-keskustelualoitteita : 269 (Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus VATT, 19.03.2002)This paper focuses on two separate issues. First, the expenditure response of Finnish municipalities to price and income changes during the matching grants period is examined. Second, the existence of the so-called "flypaper ... -
Determinants of Health Care Expenditures in Finnish Hospital Districts 1993-2005
VATT-keskustelualoitteita : 429 (Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus VATT, 08.11.2007)This study assesses which factors explain the development of health care expenditures in Finnish hospital districts during 1993–2005. According to the results, real health care expenditures in hospital districts during the ... -
The Determinants of Unemployment Duration by Gender in Finland
VATT-keskustelualoitteita : 316 (Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus VATT, 24.11.2003)This paper models unemployment durations for men and women in Finland using a nationally representative data set from 1997. We begin with a baseline model where durations are modelled using a single risk discrete time ... -
Differential Effects of Active Labour Market Programmes in the Early Stages of Young People's Unemployment
VATT-tutkimuksia : 115 (Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus VATT, 31.12.2004)This study evaluates the long-run effects of Finnish active labour market programmes in youth labour markets. The effectiveness of programmes is measured by a number of outcomes, including employment, unemployment, programme ... -
Digitaalisten terveyspalvelujen käyttö, käyttäjät, tuotanto ja vaikuttavuus : Esiselvitys
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön julkaisuja : 2024:12 (Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, 24.03.2024)Viime vuosina terveydenhuollon digitaaliset palvelut ovat merkittävästi yleistyneet. Digiklinikat ja digitaaliset sote-keskukset ovat eräs osa tätä murrosta. Niille on tyypillistä laajat aukioloajat ja erittäin nopea pääsy ... -
Digital Coaching System for Real Options Analysis with Multi-expert and Machine Learning Support
HCI International 2021 - Late Breaking Papers: Multimodality, eXtended Reality, and Artificial Intelligence. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer Cham, 2021)Digitalization and artificial intelligence are growing in importance as parts of decision-support tools in various application domains. One of the important developments in this vein has been the creation of interactive ... -
Digital Waste? Unintended Consequences of Health Information Technology
VATT Working Papers : 117 (Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus, 04.04.2019)We exploit a large-scale natural experiment - the rollout of a nationwide electronic prescribing system in Finland - to study how digitization of prescriptions affects pharmaceutical use and health outcomes. We use ... -
Digitalisation in wind and solar power technologies
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews : Open Access (Elsevier, 2021)Smart energy transition includes a widespread deployment of clean energy technologies and intelligent energy management with information and communication technologies (ICTs). In this paper, the smart energy transition is ...