Kyriale, Sequentiarium (MS C.ö.I.23)
[Diocese of Turku], [Saec. XVI 2/3-3/3]
16th c.
Public Domain
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A graduale and a sequentiarium were copied in the reformation period for use in the Diocese of Turku, possibly in Raisio. The graduale in Finnish appears to depend on Jacobus Finno's hymnbook of 1586, whereas the sequentiarium is probably somewhat older, possibly even coeval with Mathias Westh's liturgical codex (1540's). The present fragments probably come from at least two (possibly three) originally distinct books or booklets.
Complete critical and codicological description of the book and its contents available in the Codices Fennici -database.
Complete critical and codicological description of the book and its contents available in the Codices Fennici -database.
Contents: Part I: fols. 1, 7–9: Fol. 1, Kyriale in Swedish, fragment; Fols. 7r–9v, Graduale, in Finnish; kyriale for summis and duplicibus (defect) and two versions of Te Deum in Finnish after Jacobus Finno, and Caicki Christityt iloitcan (Laetabundus). Part II: fols. 2–6: Fol. 2r–v, 3r–6v, Sequentiarium, in Finnish: Westh no. 4 in part; Agricola nos. 18 and 19, the latter as an addition; Westh no. 5, defect; Westh no. 8, variant; and Christus on ylesnosnu kuolemast, variant.